


17 February to 31 October 2020

 The Project is co- financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
 through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund.
The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

Co-sponsor: Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities


The Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary (AWCDH)  as Coordinator has implemented the “Women, Families, Careers – a Civil Society Forum in the V4 Spirit” Project supported by the Visegrad Fund anthe Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities between 17 February and 31 October 2020.

Within the Project the AWCDH has been working together with the members of the  V4 Civil Partnership, the  Business & Professional Women CR z.s., from the Czech Republic, the Slovak Business Agency and theZwiązek Dużych Rodzin "Trzy Plus" from Poland and with  Hungarian partner organizations, the National Association of Large Families – NOE, the Hungarian Red Cross, and the Women’s Entrepreneurial Club of Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce.

Within the Project the International Conference titled “Women, Families, Careers – a Civil Society Forum in the V4 Spirit” was organized in the Rubin Wellness & Conference Hotel in Budapest on 28 August 2020.

The main patron of the conference was Mrs. Katalin Novák, Hungarian Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Human Capacities. (At present Hungarian Minister for Family Affairs).

Dr. Attila Beneda, Deputy State Secretary for Family Affairs made the opening address on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources.

At this Conference we launched a Forum as a V4 Civil Society initiative to help promote women’s employment. The emphasis was on the balance between work and private/family life, with special regard to the values of our region and its sustainability.

As the main goal of the Project the results of the research based on the panel discussions of the conference and the electronic survey conducted between 24 August and 15 September 2020 are presented in the Research Study including Recommendations  for decision makers in our four countries.

Through our V4 partnership the results of the research will be made widely available.

In addition, we want to help to present the opinions and suggestions of the V4 countries on the highly important topic of “Women, Family and Career” in the forums of the European Union and the United Nations.

In the name of our V4 Partnership, we would like to thank our Sponsors. Partners and Friends who helped us in the implementation of the “Women, Families, Careers – A Civil Society Forum in the V4 Spirit” Project in our countries and special thanks to those who completed the survey questionnaire.


updated on 20 September 2020

17 February to 16 October 2020

The Project is co- financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund.
The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.


Within our Project the International Conference titled “Women, Families, Careers – a Civil Society Forum in the V4 Spirit” was organized in the Rubin Wellness & Conference Hotel in Budapest on 28 August 2020.

The main patron of the conference was Mrs. Katalin Novák, Hungarian Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Human Capacities. 

Dr. Attila Beneda, Deputy State Secretary for Family Affairs made the opening address on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources.

At this Conference a Forum was launched  as a V4 Civil Society Initiative to help promote women’s employment. There was emphasis on the balance between work and private/family life, with special regard to the values of our region and its sustainability.

Our main goal is to formulate a joint Recommendation for decision makers based on the conference and the electronic survey conducted between 24 August and 18 September, 2020. With this, we also want to help to present the opinions and suggestions of the V4 countries on the highly important topic of “Women, Family and Career” in our countries, as well as in the forums of the European Union and the United Nations.


Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary
Business & Professional Women CR z.s., Czech Republic
Związku Dużych Rodzin "Trzy Plus" (Large Families Association), Poland
Slovak Business Agency, Slovak Republic


Hungarian Red Cross
National Association of Large Families – NOE
Women Entrepreneurs’ Club of the Chamber of Commerce and Industryof Győr-Moson-Sopron County


Visegrad Fund
Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma
Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap
Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt.


The aim of the Europe 2020 program is to achieve greater involvement of women in the labor market and improving their employment rates is crucial for achieving 75% of the population aged 20 to 64 to be in employment. The employment rates were for both genders in the Czech Republic were 72%, Poland 64.5%, Hungary 66.5% and Slovakia 64.9% in 2016.
Due to shortage of workforce in V4 countries it is necessary to mobilize and to develop “the reserves” of different groups in society. The group with the highest business value for companies is women.
In the EU, female participation in the labor market was 51.05% in 2017, in Czech Republic 69%, in Poland 62%, in Hungary 64%, in Slovakia 65%.
To find, attract and retain a good and qualified human capital is currently a challenge for countries, companies, and institutions.

Immediately after the start of the research, impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the labor market emerged as an identified problem. During this period, the economic situation changed, with governments introducing various subsidies for businesses in order to retain jobs. The impact of the measures will also be felt in the analysis of the questionnaire survey.

In Europe, in the V4 countries, the proportion of older people in society is increasing.
The governments of the Visegrad countries have declared that they see support of families as solving demographic problems and strengthening their economies.
In our region policy lever tools are to be provided to help increase the participation of women in the labor market, with Work / life balance in mind - within a successful family policy.
We in the AWCDH, a Hungarian CSO specializing in women's employment, with our 16-year-old record (including EU, UN) and our expert network wish to contribute to the goals set at the V4 government level

V4 countries have a family and child-friendly approach. The main obstacles to having the desired children are financial, as mothers with children are intermittently absent from work. In July 2019, “Nézőpont” Institute published its poll carried out in 11 CE countries, according to which 70 % of Central Europeans, (74% of population of Visegrád countries), consider their country family-friendly. Increased support granted to families in V4 countries contributed to the result. Family friendly policy can help increase the employment of women with families with a view to W/L balance. It is essential for the well-being of citizens in our region, that their working conditions provide benefits such as holidays, flexible working conditions, accessible, affordable and high-quality childcare, tax breaks.


International Conference

titled “Women, Families, Careers – a Civil Society Forum in the V4 Spirit” in the Rubin Wellness & Conference Hotel in Budapest on 28 August 2020.

The main patron of the conference was Mrs. Katalin Novák, Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Human Capacities.  Dr. Attila Beneda, Deputy State Secretary for Family Affairs made the opening address on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources.

The Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary (AWCDH) as Coordinator was organizing the international conference within the frameworks of the “Women, Families, Careers – a Civil Society Forum in the V4 Spirit” Project in partnership with the Business & Professional Women CR z.s., from the Czech Republic, the Slovak Business Agency and the Związku Dużych Rodzin "Trzy Plus" (Large Families Association from Poland who were personally represented at the conference.

We also invited our long year Hungarian partner organizations, the NOE-Large Families Association, the Red Cross, Women Entrepreneur’s Club of Győr. We and our V4 Partners with their own country specific knowledge and contacts contribute to achieve our goals together.

At this Conference we launched a Forum as a V4 Civil Society Initiative to help promote women’s employment. There was emphasis on the balance between work and private/family life, with special regard to the values of our region and its sustainability.  

We wanted to share knowledge, experiences and best practices in our partnership and with invited experts in helping young women with a look at relevant topics and good practices: legal background, good workplaces, traditional and new approaches to women’s career models, help for women inside and outside the family.

As our main goal is to formulate a joint Recommendation for decision makers based on the conference and the electronic survey conducted between 24 August and 18 September, 2020. With this, we also want to help to present the opinions and suggestions of the V4 countries on the highly important topic of “Women, Family and Career” in our countries, as well as in the forums of the European Union and the United Nations.

Electronic survey

Our main goal is to formulate a joint Recommendation for decision makers based on the conference and the electronic survey conducted between 24 August and 18 September 2020.
With this, we also want to help to present the opinions and suggestions of the V4 countries on the highly important topic of “Women, Family and Career” in our countries, as well as in the forums of the European Union and the United Nations.

Research topic

In Europe, including the V4 countries, the proportion of older people in society is increasing.
The governments of the Visegrad countries consider family support when solving demographic problems and strengthening economies.
Environmental factors affect the functioning of families and the workplace opportunities of parents.
Labor shortages in the V4 countries, as well as aspects of economy and efficiency, are forcing countries to include mainly women in the labor market from the social groups that are still “in reserve”.
Despite the attempts in recent decades, no integrated strategic thinking could be observed on families, jobs and financing issues. During this period, the governments of the V4 countries formulated several measures to solve the problems. Some segments of the problems have been researched by several, but no questionnaire survey has been conducted on women’s employment, the family and work balance. At the same time, from time to time it is necessary to identify the problem, to follow and measure the tendencies, in this case to summarize the opinions and the expectations towards employees and employers in a wide-ranging way.

Immediately after the start of the research, impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the labor market emerged as an identified problem. During this period, the economic situation changed, with governments introducing various subsidies for businesses in order to retain jobs. The impact of the measures will also be felt in the analysis of the questionnaire survey.
Based on the analysis of the questionnaire survey, a recommendation will be made to “fine-tune” the different programs, and the results are to be used directly in the world of work and in families.


The specific aim of the research is to examine the expectations for ensuring women’s employment and the family and work balance. On this basis, professional recommendations will be formulated that offer a solution to creating a value-based balance. In addition, the research aims to highlight that the competence-based approach has been significantly validated not only in the world of work, but also in the functioning of families. The question may also arise as to how attractive starting a family can be for young people. During the survey it will be found out how the options and different measures, based on the questions asked, affect family foundation and women’s employment, family and work balance.
The aim is also to launch a dialogue and to form a shared opinion along common values ​​and interests, on the basis of which a joint recommendation will be made to promote women’s employment in line with the importance of family background.

Monitoring and verification of hypotheses.

Keywords: Family, childbearing, family and work balance, Work-Life Balance, V4 family policy, women's entrepreneurship, situation of families, employers' expectations, competence.

Process of research process, milestones of research

The research basically consists of three major phases from 20 February to 16 October 2020

a) In the first phase, data and information is collected on the background to the topic in the V4 countries and on the target groups identified.

b) The second phase: preparation of the questionnaire, sample filling, translation and in parallel, creation of software for processing.

c) Carry out the analysis and make recommendations.

Time schedule

20 February to 30 June 2020
Preparation of a research plan and questionnaire in several versions with regard to the pandemic in the meantime.
Data and information collection, continuous updating.

1 July to 13 August 2020
Updated research plan and questionnaire in Hungarian, English, Czech, Slovak and Polish translations.
Data and information collection, continuous updating.
Software development.

24 August to 18 September 2020
Fill in the questionnaire at the link on visegradwomen.net website.
The Questionnaire will be filled in by citizens of V4 countries.
Questions will be available in the languages ​​of the V4 countries.
Filling takes about 10 minutes.

19 September to 16 October
Analysis and evaluation of filled questionnaires.
Study preparation and recommendations.

Further information:
Ms. Andrea Ferenczi project manager
Mobile: +36309827093
Email: ferenczi@t-online.hu





17 February to 31 October 2020

 The Project is co- financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
 through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund.
The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

Co-sponsor: Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities


The Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary (AWCDH)  as Coordinator has implemented the “Women, Families, Careers – a Civil Society Forum in the V4 Spirit” Project supported by the Visegrad Fund anthe Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities between 17 February and 31 October 2020.

Within the Project the AWCDH has been working together with the members of the  V4 Civil Partnership, the  Business & Professional Women CR z.s., from the Czech Republic, the Slovak Business Agency and theZwiązek Dużych Rodzin "Trzy Plus" from Poland and with  Hungarian partner organizations, the National Association of Large Families – NOE, the Hungarian Red Cross, and the Women’s Entrepreneurial Club of Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce.

Within the Project the International Conference titled “Women, Families, Careers – a Civil Society Forum in the V4 Spirit” was organized in the Rubin Wellness & Conference Hotel in Budapest on 28 August 2020.

The main patron of the conference was Mrs. Katalin Novák, Hungarian Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Human Capacities. (At present Hungarian Minister for Family Affairs).

Dr. Attila Beneda, Deputy State Secretary for Family Affairs made the opening address on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources.

At this Conference we launched a Forum as a V4 Civil Society initiative to help promote women’s employment. The emphasis was on the balance between work and private/family life, with special regard to the values of our region and its sustainability.

As the main goal of the Project the results of the research based on the panel discussions of the conference and the electronic survey conducted between 24 August and 15 September 2020 are presented in the Research Study including Recommendations  for decision makers in our four countries.

Through our V4 partnership the results of the research will be made widely available.

In addition, we want to help to present the opinions and suggestions of the V4 countries on the highly important topic of “Women, Family and Career” in the forums of the European Union and the United Nations.

In the name of our V4 Partnership, we would like to thank our Sponsors. Partners and Friends who helped us in the implementation of the “Women, Families, Careers – A Civil Society Forum in the V4 Spirit” Project in our countries and special thanks to those who completed the survey questionnaire.


updated on 20 September 2020

17 February to 16 October 2020

The Project is co- financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund.
The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.


Within our Project the International Conference titled “Women, Families, Careers – a Civil Society Forum in the V4 Spirit” was organized in the Rubin Wellness & Conference Hotel in Budapest on 28 August 2020.

The main patron of the conference was Mrs. Katalin Novák, Hungarian Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Human Capacities. 

Dr. Attila Beneda, Deputy State Secretary for Family Affairs made the opening address on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources.

At this Conference a Forum was launched  as a V4 Civil Society Initiative to help promote women’s employment. There was emphasis on the balance between work and private/family life, with special regard to the values of our region and its sustainability.

Our main goal is to formulate a joint Recommendation for decision makers based on the conference and the electronic survey conducted between 24 August and 18 September, 2020. With this, we also want to help to present the opinions and suggestions of the V4 countries on the highly important topic of “Women, Family and Career” in our countries, as well as in the forums of the European Union and the United Nations.


Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary
Business & Professional Women CR z.s., Czech Republic
Związku Dużych Rodzin "Trzy Plus" (Large Families Association), Poland
Slovak Business Agency, Slovak Republic


Hungarian Red Cross
National Association of Large Families – NOE
Women Entrepreneurs’ Club of the Chamber of Commerce and Industryof Győr-Moson-Sopron County


Visegrad Fund
Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma
Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap
Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt.


The aim of the Europe 2020 program is to achieve greater involvement of women in the labor market and improving their employment rates is crucial for achieving 75% of the population aged 20 to 64 to be in employment. The employment rates were for both genders in the Czech Republic were 72%, Poland 64.5%, Hungary 66.5% and Slovakia 64.9% in 2016.
Due to shortage of workforce in V4 countries it is necessary to mobilize and to develop “the reserves” of different groups in society. The group with the highest business value for companies is women.
In the EU, female participation in the labor market was 51.05% in 2017, in Czech Republic 69%, in Poland 62%, in Hungary 64%, in Slovakia 65%.
To find, attract and retain a good and qualified human capital is currently a challenge for countries, companies, and institutions.

Immediately after the start of the research, impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the labor market emerged as an identified problem. During this period, the economic situation changed, with governments introducing various subsidies for businesses in order to retain jobs. The impact of the measures will also be felt in the analysis of the questionnaire survey.

In Europe, in the V4 countries, the proportion of older people in society is increasing.
The governments of the Visegrad countries have declared that they see support of families as solving demographic problems and strengthening their economies.
In our region policy lever tools are to be provided to help increase the participation of women in the labor market, with Work / life balance in mind - within a successful family policy.
We in the AWCDH, a Hungarian CSO specializing in women's employment, with our 16-year-old record (including EU, UN) and our expert network wish to contribute to the goals set at the V4 government level

V4 countries have a family and child-friendly approach. The main obstacles to having the desired children are financial, as mothers with children are intermittently absent from work. In July 2019, “Nézőpont” Institute published its poll carried out in 11 CE countries, according to which 70 % of Central Europeans, (74% of population of Visegrád countries), consider their country family-friendly. Increased support granted to families in V4 countries contributed to the result. Family friendly policy can help increase the employment of women with families with a view to W/L balance. It is essential for the well-being of citizens in our region, that their working conditions provide benefits such as holidays, flexible working conditions, accessible, affordable and high-quality childcare, tax breaks.


International Conference

titled “Women, Families, Careers – a Civil Society Forum in the V4 Spirit” in the Rubin Wellness & Conference Hotel in Budapest on 28 August 2020.

The main patron of the conference was Mrs. Katalin Novák, Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Human Capacities.  Dr. Attila Beneda, Deputy State Secretary for Family Affairs made the opening address on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources.

The Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary (AWCDH) as Coordinator was organizing the international conference within the frameworks of the “Women, Families, Careers – a Civil Society Forum in the V4 Spirit” Project in partnership with the Business & Professional Women CR z.s., from the Czech Republic, the Slovak Business Agency and the Związku Dużych Rodzin "Trzy Plus" (Large Families Association from Poland who were personally represented at the conference.

We also invited our long year Hungarian partner organizations, the NOE-Large Families Association, the Red Cross, Women Entrepreneur’s Club of Győr. We and our V4 Partners with their own country specific knowledge and contacts contribute to achieve our goals together.

At this Conference we launched a Forum as a V4 Civil Society Initiative to help promote women’s employment. There was emphasis on the balance between work and private/family life, with special regard to the values of our region and its sustainability.  

We wanted to share knowledge, experiences and best practices in our partnership and with invited experts in helping young women with a look at relevant topics and good practices: legal background, good workplaces, traditional and new approaches to women’s career models, help for women inside and outside the family.

As our main goal is to formulate a joint Recommendation for decision makers based on the conference and the electronic survey conducted between 24 August and 18 September, 2020. With this, we also want to help to present the opinions and suggestions of the V4 countries on the highly important topic of “Women, Family and Career” in our countries, as well as in the forums of the European Union and the United Nations.

Electronic survey

Our main goal is to formulate a joint Recommendation for decision makers based on the conference and the electronic survey conducted between 24 August and 18 September 2020.
With this, we also want to help to present the opinions and suggestions of the V4 countries on the highly important topic of “Women, Family and Career” in our countries, as well as in the forums of the European Union and the United Nations.

Research topic

In Europe, including the V4 countries, the proportion of older people in society is increasing.
The governments of the Visegrad countries consider family support when solving demographic problems and strengthening economies.
Environmental factors affect the functioning of families and the workplace opportunities of parents.
Labor shortages in the V4 countries, as well as aspects of economy and efficiency, are forcing countries to include mainly women in the labor market from the social groups that are still “in reserve”.
Despite the attempts in recent decades, no integrated strategic thinking could be observed on families, jobs and financing issues. During this period, the governments of the V4 countries formulated several measures to solve the problems. Some segments of the problems have been researched by several, but no questionnaire survey has been conducted on women’s employment, the family and work balance. At the same time, from time to time it is necessary to identify the problem, to follow and measure the tendencies, in this case to summarize the opinions and the expectations towards employees and employers in a wide-ranging way.

Immediately after the start of the research, impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the labor market emerged as an identified problem. During this period, the economic situation changed, with governments introducing various subsidies for businesses in order to retain jobs. The impact of the measures will also be felt in the analysis of the questionnaire survey.
Based on the analysis of the questionnaire survey, a recommendation will be made to “fine-tune” the different programs, and the results are to be used directly in the world of work and in families.


The specific aim of the research is to examine the expectations for ensuring women’s employment and the family and work balance. On this basis, professional recommendations will be formulated that offer a solution to creating a value-based balance. In addition, the research aims to highlight that the competence-based approach has been significantly validated not only in the world of work, but also in the functioning of families. The question may also arise as to how attractive starting a family can be for young people. During the survey it will be found out how the options and different measures, based on the questions asked, affect family foundation and women’s employment, family and work balance.
The aim is also to launch a dialogue and to form a shared opinion along common values ​​and interests, on the basis of which a joint recommendation will be made to promote women’s employment in line with the importance of family background.

Monitoring and verification of hypotheses.

Keywords: Family, childbearing, family and work balance, Work-Life Balance, V4 family policy, women's entrepreneurship, situation of families, employers' expectations, competence.

Process of research process, milestones of research

The research basically consists of three major phases from 20 February to 16 October 2020

a) In the first phase, data and information is collected on the background to the topic in the V4 countries and on the target groups identified.

b) The second phase: preparation of the questionnaire, sample filling, translation and in parallel, creation of software for processing.

c) Carry out the analysis and make recommendations.

Time schedule

20 February to 30 June 2020
Preparation of a research plan and questionnaire in several versions with regard to the pandemic in the meantime.
Data and information collection, continuous updating.

1 July to 13 August 2020
Updated research plan and questionnaire in Hungarian, English, Czech, Slovak and Polish translations.
Data and information collection, continuous updating.
Software development.

24 August to 18 September 2020
Fill in the questionnaire at the link on visegradwomen.net website.
The Questionnaire will be filled in by citizens of V4 countries.
Questions will be available in the languages ​​of the V4 countries.
Filling takes about 10 minutes.

19 September to 16 October
Analysis and evaluation of filled questionnaires.
Study preparation and recommendations.

Further information:
Ms. Andrea Ferenczi project manager
Mobile: +36309827093
Email: ferenczi@t-online.hu



AWCDH © 2020
